Founding partner WindChain | erwin@windchain.nl
Energy Transition Optimist. Over 25 years experience in the Wind Energy industry. Program Director "The Rich NorthSea". Project Director. "EU Circular Windfarms". Board member. Coördinator SDG14. Entrepreneur, networker, business developer, negotiator, commercial & engineering skills and motivator.
Over 25 years experience in the Wind Energy industry! Entrepreneur, networker, business developer, negotiator, commercial & engineering skills and motivator. Persuador and Motivator using the power of “Guanxi”. Passion for SDG's, Circularity, Energy, Wind, Water, Innovation, Education, On and Offshore Wind Energy, H2, Nature Enhancement, Security and Surveillance and Start Ups.
Program Director of the “Rijke Noordzee” on behalf of foundation “Natuur & Milieu” and foundation the “Noordzee”. Kick starting the non-used potential of Nature development in offshore windfarms.
Project Director European Circular breakthrough project Circular Wind Hub on behalf of ministry of Economic affairs and Climate. Coördinator SDG 14, life below water on behalf of minstry of forein affairs.
Board member Foundation For Global Goals (FFGG).
Member of the Advisory Boards of KEK (Klimaat en Energie Koepel), SEECE (Sustainable Electrical Energy Centre of Expertise) and HAN Technical University Faculty of Engineering and CEWS (Circular Economy for the Wind Sector, as part of Catapult).
Board of Support Community of Practice Noordzee.
Advisory Borad Watermuseum Arnhem.
Founder and former director of OutSmart Group.
Initiator and lecturer at University of applied science for the minor Wind Energy Project Management.
Former MD of Vestas Benelux and VP Offshore Vestas Central Europe.
Sr Advisor for Borssele, HkZ and HkN (Netherlands), Deputy PM and Contracts manager Nordsee Ost (Germany), Sr advisor Eoliennes en Mer (France 2nd.round ), Sr Advisor State of NJ, department of Energy (US), Project manager Hui Teng Xi Li (China), Technical Negotiations WTG package Luchterduinen, Member of the Board Prinses Amalia (formerly P46 / Q7) and former Chairman offshore committee NWEA.
Natural and adaptive Persuader. Enjoys challenges, Process Orientated, Quick to Change, Independent, Optimistic, Competitive, continuously trying to Improve himself, not always following rules and regulations. Persuader/Motivator (The Success Insights® Wheel) is a blend between Conductor/Director (Red) and Promoter/Inspirator (Yellow) making it Orange which is the color of the Dutch.

erwin@windchain.nl |

Energy Transition Optimist. Over 25 years experience in the Wind Energy industry. Program Director "The Rich NorthSea". Project Director. "EU Circular Windfarms". Board member. Coördinator SDG14. Entrepreneur, networker, business developer, negotiator, commercial & engineering skills and motivator.
Over 25 years experience in the Wind Energy industry! Entrepreneur, networker, business developer, negotiator, commercial & engineering skills and motivator. Persuador and Motivator using the power of “Guanxi”. Passion for SDG's, Circularity, Energy, Wind, Water, Innovation, Education, On and Offshore Wind Energy, H2, Nature Enhancement, Security and Surveillance and Start Ups.
Program Director of the “Rijke Noordzee” on behalf of foundation “Natuur & Milieu” and foundation the “Noordzee”. Kick starting the non-used potential of Nature development in offshore windfarms.
Project Director European Circular breakthrough project Circular Wind Hub on behalf of ministry of Economic affairs and Climate. Coördinator SDG 14, life below water on behalf of minstry of forein affairs.
Board member Foundation For Global Goals (FFGG).
Member of the Advisory Boards of KEK (Klimaat en Energie Koepel), SEECE (Sustainable Electrical Energy Centre of Expertise) and HAN Technical University Faculty of Engineering and CEWS (Circular Economy for the Wind Sector, as part of Catapult).
Board of Support Community of Practice Noordzee.
Advisory Borad Watermuseum Arnhem.
Founder and former director of OutSmart Group.
Initiator and lecturer at University of applied science for the minor Wind Energy Project Management.
Former MD of Vestas Benelux and VP Offshore Vestas Central Europe.
Sr Advisor for Borssele, HkZ and HkN (Netherlands), Deputy PM and Contracts manager Nordsee Ost (Germany), Sr advisor Eoliennes en Mer (France 2nd.round ), Sr Advisor State of NJ, department of Energy (US), Project manager Hui Teng Xi Li (China), Technical Negotiations WTG package Luchterduinen, Member of the Board Prinses Amalia (formerly P46 / Q7) and former Chairman offshore committee NWEA.
Natural and adaptive Persuader. Enjoys challenges, Process Orientated, Quick to Change, Independent, Optimistic, Competitive, continuously trying to Improve himself, not always following rules and regulations. Persuader/Motivator (The Success Insights® Wheel) is a blend between Conductor/Director (Red) and Promoter/Inspirator (Yellow) making it Orange which is the color of the Dutch.